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Action Plan:  Important Takeaways from the May 23, 2024, Seminar: "How Do I Prepare to Die?  What Tools Are Available to My Loved Ones After My Death?"


If you attended the May 23 seminar, the following are some of the important takeaways from the presentation:


  1. Choose carefully who you put in charge!  You can choose from your (adult) children, family members, friends, or professionals.


  1. Choose carefully what tools to use!  The tools give yo0u control, even if you cannot be in control later on.


  1. Do something!  If you not plan, the State of Washington will plan for you.

If you missed the seminar, or would like to review it again, click the video link below to find a recording.


Save the Date:  September 19, 2024, Seminar at 1:30 P.M. at the SeaTac Office.



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