We are now in tax season. Accountants are geared up and ready to go. As in past years, tax scammers are out in full force. Every year the IRS publishes a list of its "Dirty Dozen" tax scams with information about tax scams and how to avoid them. In no particular order, the "Dirty Dozen" of 2023 were:
Fake Charities
Phishing (attempt to acquire sensitive data, such as bank account numbers, through a fraudulent solicitation in email or on a web site, in which the perpetrator masquerades as a legitimate business or reputable person) and Smishing (using fake mobile text messages to trick people into downloading malware, sharing sensitive information, or sending money to cybercriminals)
Social Media: Fraudulent Form Filing and Bad Advice
Unscrupulous Tax Return Preparers
Online Account Help from Third-Party Scammers
Employee Retention Credit Claims
False Fuel Tax Credit Claims
Spearphishing and Cybersecurity for Tax Professionals
Offer in Compromise Mills
Schemes Aimed at High-Income Filers
Bogus Tax Avoidance Strategies
Schemes with International Elements
For the details of these tax scams, please visit: "Dirty Dozen" List of Tax Scams for 2023. https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-wraps-up-2023-dirty-dozen-list-reminds-taxpayers-and-tax-pros-to-be-wary-of-scams-and-schemes-even-after-tax-season
Remember, always be careful because there are many different scams. Some of them are obvious while others are more difficult to detect. The IRS encourages all taxpayers be vigilant year-round, not just during the tax season.